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Latest pets waiting for adoption


Who are we?

Happy Paws Haven is a not-for-profit no-kill animal rescue and rehoming centre in Northern NSW providing adoption and re-homing services throughout Australia. At Happy Paws Haven our primary focus is on the animals in our care. Our centre is on acreage so we can provide space for enrichment and growth to bring them back to health and happiness.

This means that when we commit to taking an animal into our care we will provide a haven for it until we find a home, regardless of how long it takes. This is our commitment to each animal we take on.  Our resources can limit our capacity to care so we are always to balancing our intake with our rehoming rate, funding opportunities and cash flow.

Each year with your help we make a difference to over 150 cats and dogs by finding them loving, forever homes.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


When you contribute to the Happy Paws Haven today, you are helping us continue to rescue animals. From emergency rescue and animals in crisis, all the way through to adoption, we are there for animals every step of the way. Please make a gift right now and ask your friends to do the same.

Every act of generosity counts and means even more when we give together.

All contributions go directly to support the animals and the powerful work done by Happy Paws Haven volunteers.


Why adopt and not shop?

Are you in the market for a little more love in your life? Adopting a pet is one of the very best ways to bring more happiness into your world. And when you adopt instead of buying from a breeder, the pet store, or a stranger over the internet—you get the added benefit of saving the life of an animal in need. Win-win!

Have a look our Facebook page called “I adopted from Happy Paws Haven and saved a life”.


Our Volunteers are responsible for supporting Happy Paws Haven, providing best practice animal care services and extending the message of responsible pet ownership throughout the community. There’s lots to do:

Dog grooming, exercise and cleaning their kennels.
Cat cleaning, grooming and enriching their lives.
Data entry, social media, photography and admin skills
Run fundraisers
Maintenance, build and renovate things

Just 3-4 hours on one day a week with our team would make a difference.
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