Volunteers Needed!
We are as always looking for volunteers who are passionate about animals!
Volunteer work can help people get jobs as it looks good on everyone’s CV if an employer can see that while a person was looking for work thy spent time helping the community. It demonstrates to an employer that the person has a good work ethic especially if the Charity or Community Organisation will give a reference in thanks for the good work done. Happy Paws Haven is always happy to give a reference to those who volunteer and work well with the animals. We also give out a volunteer handbook which can be used as reference material not only while they volunteer here, but for students doing animal studies at TAFE or for volunteers to show a potential employer the type of work carried out here.
We have some specific needs at the moment as we need someone who has good social media strategy development skills, and or content development skills. Ideally they have their own computer and 3-4 hours a week to help us build the strategy and the content to develop relationships with our donors and our adoptees. This can be done remotely.
We need a new bookkeeper with a love for animals and some knowledge of MYOB. Our current Book keeper/Treasurer has a new job which demands more of her time and thus is unable to continue to serve Happy Paws Haven. She however very willing to train the new person in this role.
We also need people that have handy man/woman skills to help us maintain the facilities. We need people to help with office data entry skills and admin skills.
Finally we need people to help with our fund raisers for the love animals. We are looking for someone to manage our volunteer schedule and be the voice for the volunteers on our management team.
We always need additional volunteers to help us care for the animals, walk the dogs, groom the cats and to share their love. Dress in your oldest clothes, jeans and a T-shirt is good, with work boots or sneakers, bring a snack and a drink! Cuddling and playing with the animals is compulsory!
There are all sorts of things that need to be done….
And every bit of help counts! Come and visit to see what we do!
Come and help us with the animals and/or fundraising for their care!
We have some specific needs at the moment as we need someone who has good social media strategy development skills, and or content development skills. Ideally they have their own computer and 3-4 hours a week to help us build the strategy and the content to develop relationships with our donors and our adoptees. This can be done remotely.
We need a new bookkeeper with a love for animals and some knowledge of MYOB. Our current Book keeper/Treasurer has a new job which demands more of her time and thus is unable to continue to serve Happy Paws Haven. She however very willing to train the new person in this role.
We also need people that have handy man/woman skills to help us maintain the facilities. We need people to help with office data entry skills and admin skills.
Finally we need people to help with our fund raisers for the love animals. We are looking for someone to manage our volunteer schedule and be the voice for the volunteers on our management team.
We always need additional volunteers to help us care for the animals, walk the dogs, groom the cats and to share their love. Dress in your oldest clothes, jeans and a T-shirt is good, with work boots or sneakers, bring a snack and a drink! Cuddling and playing with the animals is compulsory!
There are all sorts of things that need to be done….
And every bit of help counts! Come and visit to see what we do!
Come and help us with the animals and/or fundraising for their care!