Buddy 7
In Stock
saved for later
Jamie and his brother were found in the bush not far from Woodburn and the very busy Pacific Highway by a couple travelling From Brisbane to Sydney they had pulled over to change drivers when they heard the sounds of puppies crying so went to explore and found two little black lab cross pups covered in ticks and fleas. They looked around and there were no houses to see anywhere. They put them in the back of their car and stopped at the service station nearby who had no idea who they belonged to and said they were not local and suggested that they should bring them to Happy Paws Haven. When they arrived here the very first thing we did is search them for ticks which we found in their ears and around their neck they were paralysis ticks the grey shell backs so we got them all out. We hoped the pups would survive the tick infestation We then wormed them and put Frontline on them to make sure that would help them in case there were any little ticks we missed. The next day we took them to the vet for vaccinations so that they would be covered for Parvo too They Have have grown up to be lovely dogs. They are healthy playful mischievous and have been desexed wormed and chipped. Both found new homes. Then the unexpected happened this week Jamie returned as Buddy. A very sad day for his owner. He had lost his job lost their house and had a young baby to look after as well. They have temporarily moved into a caravan park and cant have Buddy with them so they thought the next best place is Happy Paws Haven.
Buddy7 is a beautiful boy slightly slimmer and taller than a lab but the same personality. He is great with kids of all ages great with other dogs and just seems happy to be round people and to play. I dont think he ever wants to be on a chain ever again. He still needs some training and listens willingly waiting for the next command. He is a truly lovely family dog.